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“Knowing others is wisdom;
knowing ourselves is enlightenment.” – Lao Tsu
Laser Acupuncture or Photobiomodulation Therapy in Gatineau
Laser acupuncture, also known as photobiomodulation is a great alternative to classical acupuncture especially for patients who are uneasy with needle acupuncture.
Laser acupuncture, because it is painless, is ideally suited to treat small joints and areas rich in lymphatic tissue. Studies at the University of Graz, Austria have consistently shown that laser acupuncture is as effective therapeutically, if not more effective in many cases, as needle acupuncture. Acupuncture Immumed only uses lasers that are Health Canada approved and those which represent the latest in medical laser technology. Our lasers are state of the art, completely safe with zero side effects and most importantly therapeutically extremely effective. Read more about laser acupuncture here.
The benefits of laser acupuncture include:
Group III
Group II
Group I
The reduction of:
Oedema (swelling)
Formation of scar tissue
An increase in:
The resistance to infection
Collagen formation - it is important for connective tissue, especially tendons and ligaments.
Stem cell production – stem cells are instrumental in regeneration and repair of tissues.
The strengthening of the:
Immune system
Nervous system
Respiratory system
Digestive system
Hormonal system
Reproductive system
Circulatory system
Osteoarticular system
Renal system
Elimination system
Group IV
Group V
The improvement of:
Cellular detox
Nerve conduction
Blood circulation
Lymph circulation
The stimulation of:
Energy production
Stem cell formation
Group VI
The release of:
Endorphins – the body’s a natural pain killer
Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and GABA
Group VII
The activation of:
Blood circulation
Lymphatic circulation
Cellular metabolism
Group VII
The promotion of:
Cellular repair
Nerve conduction
Regeneration of tissues
Healing and repair of varicose ulcers
make an appointment today for a laser acupuncture session at our Gatineau clinic